What did you expect, I literally just said there would be only games!!! (but also there are card games too.)
What did you expect, I literally just said there would be only games!!! (but also there are card games too.)
it is open world and cool
it invented the loot and shoot genre
huge open world experience where you can do whatever you want
Having a big sale, on-site celebrity, or other event? Be sure to announce it so everybody knows and gets excited about it.
These are some crazy good cards man theres like 10000 of them! and also its very omplex witch makes it fun.
Tl;dr: Is big hard to thunk
they arent as shiny not as fun but they are complex hats why there number two.
tl;dr: small shiny brain say bad
they have realy shiny cards thats about it.
TL;dr: Big shiny brain go unga cluck
They are all bad but also they are bad.
TL;DR nobod else play brain say no